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Mathematics at Arvada West High School

The Arvada West Math Department is dedicated to preparing students for future success, promoting problem-solving skills and providing a safe and inclusive space for growth. We believe that through these principles, we can empower our students to become future leaders in their chosen fields, armed with the knowledge and confidence they need to thrive.


Math team staff

Math Pathways

Arvada West offers two different pathways to meet all our learners' needs. We have a STEM-focused pathway that is geared to prepare students who are planning on entering a STEM field in college. And, we have a traditional pathway, focused on getting students ready to be successful in the real world and in another non-STEM career.


Math courses

  • Algebra 1
  • Algebra 2
  • Geometry
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Precalculus/Trigonometry
  • Intermediate Algebra (also known as Financial Algebra)
  • Pre-AP/Honors Geometry
  • Pre-AP/Honors Algebra 2
  • Honors Precalculus/Trigonometry
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Probability and Statistics

Coding courses

  • Web Design (one semester)
  • AP Computer Science Principles (one year)
  • AP Computer Science A (one year)
  • Coding II – Python (one semester)

All coding classes count as a math elective credit.

Mathematics in Jeffco

Jeffco mathematics teaching and learning embraces a problem-based approach, grounded in the belief that every student possesses the potential to master grade-level mathematics. In our program, students learn math by doing math. 

Jeffco mathematics classrooms are joyful communities of learners engaged in rigorous, collaborative mathematical experiences facilitated by educators who support each and every student to develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and adaptive reasoning skills that transfer to their daily lives and future careers.

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