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Behavioral Health Pathway

The goal of the Behavior Health Pathway at Arvada West is to prepare students for a career in the mental health field while providing free college credit and work-based learning.

Behavioral Health Pathway Courses

Psychology 1001

This one-semester intro course covers history, lifespan development (“egg baby” project), gender and sexuality, states of consciousness, drugs and biopsychology, and brain and genetics. Earn 3 college credits through Red Rocks Community College.


  • Accuplacer: NGWR 246+
  • ACT: English 18+
  • P/SAT: Verbal 470
  • Exemption: 3.0 unweighted high school GPA and passed high school English 11 with a B or better in both semesters.

Note: Those who don’t meet the criteria above can test in by taking an English assessment.

Psychology 1002

This one-semester class dives deeper into psychology with learning about self and others. Topics include thinking and intelligence, memory, personality, social psychology, forensics (serial killers and criminal profiling), psychological disorders and therapy and treatment. Earn 3 college credits through RRCC.

Prerequisite: Psychology 1001

Social Work 1200

In this one-semester class, students put what they’ve learned to use by learning how to run groups for anxiety, social skills and more. We practice how to do these groups and then go to work-based learning assignments with our SSN students and other partner agencies in the area. Earn 3 college credits through RRCC.

Prerequisites: Psychology 1001 and 1002

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