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Health Sciences Pathway

Students are required to first fulfill a biology prerequisite to enroll in the Pharmacy Tech and Anatomy and Physiology courses within this Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway. In order to advance to the Pathophysiology course, students must complete both Biology and Anatomy and Physiology.

It is crucial for students to possess a solid foundation in mathematics, specifically having passed Algebra I, as mathematical skills are integral in all health sciences classes, with a particular emphasis in pharmacy tech.

Health Sciences Pathway Courses

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology provides a deeper exploration of the human body and biological systems in greater detail. Students expand their knowledge of the body and terminology and phonetic pronunciations used to describe and locate body parts as well as an overall review of human development and body processes. This course includes infection control and standard precautions, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining health and safety in the healthcare work environment, additionally, it highlights the latest practices and protocols. The human systems studied include: 

  • Anatomical terminology and directions
  • Endocrine system
  • Nervous system
  • Circulatory system
  • Respiratory system
  • Lymphatic system
  • Skeletal system
  • Muscular system
  • Digestive system
  • Integumentary system


In Pathophysiology, students will develop a deep understanding of normally observed body system functioning that maintains homeostasis. Students will then study abnormal functioning of the body that disturbs its normal physiological processes through the integration of biology, chemistry and medicine. Using critical-thinking and scientific problem-solving skills, students will perform investigations to describe and identify imbalances and abnormalities due to diseases or pathology. Topics in Pathophysiology include:

  • Basic genetics and genetic diseases
  • Epigenetics and disease
  • Fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases
  • Biology of cancer
  • Structure and function of the neurologic system
  • Alterations in cognitive systems, cerebral hemodynamics and motor function
  • Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems and neuromuscular junction
  • Mechanisms and alterations of hormonal regulation
  • Structure, function and alterations of the hematologic system
  • Structure, function and alterations of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
  • Structure, function and alterations of the pulmonary system
  • Structure, function and alterations of the renal and urologic systems
  • Structure, function and alterations of the reproductive systems
  • Structure, function and alterations of the digestive system
  • Structure, function and alterations of the musculoskeletal system 

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