Network Systems and Security Pathway
To complete a Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway in network systems and security, Arvada West students must complete a minimum of two years in any of the below courses.
Students more interested in coding should look at these specific courses:
- Website Design
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
- Coding II (Python)
Students more interested in hardware, operating systems and networking should consider these specific courses:
- Computer Maintenance
- Computer Foundations
- Computer Systems
- Work Based Learning
Network Systems and Security Pathway Courses
Web Design
- Course ID: 05254G05012
- Credit: 0.5
- Semester course
- Prerequisite: None
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Web Design is a course that prepares students with work-related web design skills for advancement into postsecondary education and industry. The course is intended to develop fundamental skills in both theory and practical application of the basic web design and development process, project management and teamwork, troubleshooting and problem-solving, and interpersonal skill development. It provides a solid understanding of the basics involved in HTML and CSS, as well as an introduction to coding in JavaScript.
AP Computer Science Principles
- Course IDs: 10019H05012 and 10019H05022
- Credit: 0.5 (1 credit per year)
- Full-year course
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Fee: AP exam
AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory college-level computing course. Students cultivate their understanding of computer science through working with data, collaborating to solve problems, and developing computer programs as they explore concepts like creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the internet and the global impact of computing. Students must take the AP exam in May. Read more about the course.
AP Computer Science A
- Course IDs: 10157H05012 and 10157H05022
- Credit: 0.5 (1 credit per year)
- Full-year course
- Prerequisite: Completion of AP Computer Science Principles with a C or better or approval by teacher
- Grade: 10, 11, 12
- Fee: AP Exam
AP Computer Science A is an introductory college-level computer science course. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables and control structures. Students must take the AP exam in May. Read more about the course.
Coding II
- Course IDs: 10152E05012 and 10152E05022
- Credit: 0.5
- Semester or yearlong course (this course may be repeated)
- Prerequisite: Completion of AP Computer Science Principles with a C or better or approval by teacher
- Grade: 11, 12
Coding II (offered as one or two semesters) challenges students to develop advanced skills in problem analysis, construction of algorithms, and computer implementation of algorithms as they work on programming projects of increased complexity. Course content is reinforced through numerous short- and long-term programmable projects, accomplished both individually and in small groups. These projects are meant to hone the discipline and logical thinking skills necessary to craft error-free syntax for the writing and testing of programs written in Python. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will earn a Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP) certification.
Computer Maintenance
- Course IDs: 10252G05012 and 10252G05022
- Credit: 0.5 (1 credit per year)
- Yearlong course (must take both semesters)
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Fee: Fee associated with the course
Computer Maintenance courses prepare students to apply basic electronic theory and principles in diagnosing and repairing personal computers and input/output devices. Topics may include operating, installing, maintaining and repairing computers, network systems, digital control instruments, programmable controllers and processors.
Computer Science Foundations
- Course IDs: 10012G5012 and 10012G5022
- Credit: 0.5 (1 credit per year)
- Yearlong course (must take both semesters)
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Fee: Fee associated with the course
Computer Science Foundations is a course intended to provide students with exposure to various technology occupations and pathways such as networking systems, coding, web design and cybersecurity. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to describe various information technology occupations and professional organizations. Moreover, they will be able to demonstrate logical thought processes and discuss the social, legal and ethical issues encountered in the IT profession. Depending on the focus area, proficient students will also demonstrate an understanding of electronics and basic digital theory; project management and teamwork; client relations; causes and prevention of Internet security breaches; and writing styles appropriate for web publication. Upon completion of the CSF course, students will be prepared to make an informed decision about which IT program to study to pursue.
Computer Systems
- Course IDs: 10254G05012 and 10254G05022
- Credit: 0.5 (1 credit per year)
- Yearlong course (must take both semesters)
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Fee: Fee associated with course
Computer Systems is an intermediate course designed to prepare students with work-related skills and aligned certification in the information technology industry. Content provides students the opportunity to acquire knowledge in both theory and practical applications pertaining to hardware, operating systems, safe mode, command prompt, security, networking, printers, peripheral devices, laptops, mobile devices, troubleshooting and customer service management. Upon completion of the course, proficient students will have acquired skills and knowledge to install, configure and maintain computer systems. Students who are proficient in this course will be eligible to pursue the IT industry-standard credential, CompTIA’s A+ certification. This is a Red Rocks concurrent enrollment course.
Work-Based Learning
Upon completion of the pathway courses, students are given the opportunity to get experience in their field of interest. This is an individual interest; some will job shadow, some will work within the building and some will seek an internship.
Contact Us
- 303-982-1303