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Advanced Learning Plan

The Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is a legal document outlining programming for identified gifted students and is used as a guide for educational planning and decision-making.

An ALP shall be developed for every gifted student according to the student’s determined areas of giftedness, interests and instructional and affective needs. The ALP is created once a student is formally identified as gifted.

Visit Jeffco Public Schools’ Advanced Learning Plan webpage for more information.

Advanced Learning Plans in Jeffco

The Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is a legal document outlining programming for identified gifted students and guides educational planning and decision-making. An ALP is developed for every gifted student according to the student’s determined areas of giftedness, interests, and instructional and affective needs. The ALP is created after a student is formally identified as gifted. Learn about GT identification in Jeffco to begin this referral process for a student.

The student's ALP should map out what students hope to learn and accomplish in their area of strength. When students become independent learners and self-advocates they will:

  • Take control of their learning and improve their education.
  • Deepen understanding of their learning style and become strength-based learners.
  • Acquire learning skills that apply to learning situations in life.
  • Will develop a greater sense of their abilities.

Families and students in grades 6-12 may view ALPs in Student Insights. 

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