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ASCENT and TREP Scholarship Programs


Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT) is a concurrent enrollment program that allows students to participate in college courses after their 12th-grade year.

This scholarship covers the cost of tuition up to 18 credits for fall and spring semesters, as well as associated fees. Students are responsible for books, materials, transportation and living expenses.

Arvada West students should talk to their counselor if they are interested in the ASCENT program. They can also learn more on the Jeffco Public Schools ASCENT webpage.


The Teacher Recruitment Education and Preparation (TREP) program was established by state Senate Bill 21-185 and offers qualified students an educator career pathway. Students can concurrently enroll in postsecondary courses and earn college credit for up to two years after their 12th-grade year at no tuition cost to them or their families.

School districts are not required to cover additional costs, such as textbooks, fees and transportation, though some do. Students are traditionally not allowed to live in a dorm on campus, although some universities may provide a waiver to TREP students to access housing. Housing costs are not covered by the TREP program. 

Qualified students who have completed one course in the educator pathway during their 12th-grade year may be eligible to participate. See more eligibility requirements.

Students and parents: please check with your counselor for specific information on the TREP program. 

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  • 303-982-1303