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STEM Education

STEM Education at Arvada West High School

The Arvada West STEAM Club provides an opportunity to enhance personal development, leadership and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM).

Members apply and integrate these concepts through intra-curricular activities, competitions and related programs. There will be opportunities for school-based competitions monthly and off-site competitions including the Colorado Technology Student Association (TSA) Conference and U.S. Department of Energy's High School Regional Science Bowl. STEAM members can participate in any or all of these competitions. You do not have to do them all to be a member of STEAM!

Get more information about STEAM Club

STEAM Courses

STEM Education in Jeffco

Jeffco’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs embrace a student-driven, inquiry-embedded instructional approach, utilizing educational models such as project- or problem-based learning and design thinking.  

In addition to core content, students have the opportunity to engage in industry-aligned STEM programming that develops the academic, technical and professional skills necessary for a successful future in STEM. All of Jeffco’s STEM programs emphasize durable skills such as communication and collaboration and transferable STEM-specific skills such as defining problems and designing solutions.